Operation Save’s Repair Team managed by Mr Blessings went to Traditional Authority Chadza in Lilongwe District. Seven wells were repaired in the villages of Msampha, Mleza, Chagaga, Chambakata, Mawona, Chifumbi and Khombe.
Through the repair efforts 2833 people are now benefiting from having clean water.
Operation Save’s ministry team, together with the well repair team were at different places repairing wells. Some sites that benefited were Chisinga in Dowa District, Kwezani, L.E.A school, Nkhalamo, Kasengwa1, Kasengwa 2 and Chaguza village in Ntchisi District, During repairs, ministry managers Bishop Jacques Jackson and Pastor Jeremiah Heleke were preaching the word of God through proclaimers and bible tracts. In Nkhalamo, 21 people were saved by receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior and the total number of beneficiaries from well repair project in these six villages is 2,696.
On November 27, 2021, Operation Save Ministry Team traveled to Mgwadula village in Mkukula in Dowa District. Ministry Manager, Pastor Jeremiah Haleke conducted a CEF (Children’s Evangelism Fellowship) graduation and children were receiving their certificate for completing mailbox studies
February 2024
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