Our Mission
Operation SAVE exists to spread the love of Jesus by meeting physical, spiritual, and cultural needs both locally in North Carolina and in Malawi, Africa through four main areas.
Shelter • Agriculture • Vocation • Evangelism
Mission Statement
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ while providing food, clean water, shelter, medical supplies, educational assistance, vocational skills, and resources necessary for the poor to become self-sufficient. We are committed to the wise stewardship of all funds entrusted to us as well as following God’s direction for continued growth and success of all our Mission’s Projects, wherever God leads.
Doctrine Statement
Operation Save believes the Bible is God's Holy Word and it is without error.
Our Vision
“Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish; he eats for life.” That is the concept that started it all. These villages do not just need to be fed, they need a way to feed themselves tomorrow and the next day and the day after. They do not just need clothing for today; they need a plan for the future. It does take a village to raise a child. A boy becomes a man. A man becomes a leader. We want the people of Malawi to have the means, skills, and knowledge to grow and flourish. Through the Operation Save Ministry, their world is changed. We continue to make a difference. You can be a part of the solution, part of the vision that will change a village forever! Come share our Vision!
Our Evangelism efforts toward adults, includes Crusades in the Villages and Distribution of:
Children’s Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
Operation SAVE exists to spread the love of Jesus by meeting physical, spiritual, and cultural needs both locally in North Carolina and in Malawi, Africa through four main areas.
Shelter • Agriculture • Vocation • Evangelism
Mission Statement
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ while providing food, clean water, shelter, medical supplies, educational assistance, vocational skills, and resources necessary for the poor to become self-sufficient. We are committed to the wise stewardship of all funds entrusted to us as well as following God’s direction for continued growth and success of all our Mission’s Projects, wherever God leads.
Doctrine Statement
Operation Save believes the Bible is God's Holy Word and it is without error.
- We believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin birth, (Matthew 1:18); this is God’s Word that became flesh, who walked thirty-three and a half years preaching and teaching the Gospel.
- We believe at Calvary, Jesus died on a cross for the sins of the entire world. There He gave up the Ghost, was placed in a borrowed tomb sealed with a stone, then three days later as promised, He rose from the dead, defeating death, hell, and the grave. Some forty days later, revealing Himself too many, He ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God our Father. There He makes intercession for those who choose to believe on His name.
- We believe, according to John 14:6, that Jesus is the only way to heaven. This way is made available when the Father draws one’s heart to confess himself as a sinner (John 6:44) and he believes on Christ to be his Savior (Romans 10:9).
- We believe it is Christ’s will that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). When a sinner receives God’s gift, Christ’s shed blood is applied to his sinful life, and not only forgives his sins, but cleanses him from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). This shed blood on Calvary has broken the chains of sin for those that will choose to believe they are free from condemnation (John 3:15-18) and have become an heir of God and joint heir with Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17).
- We believe we are commissioned to go, be doers of God's Word, not hearers only, by spreading the Gospel, visiting the fatherless, the widows, in their afflictions (James 1:27) and bringing light to where there is darkness (Acts 26:18).
Our Vision
“Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish; he eats for life.” That is the concept that started it all. These villages do not just need to be fed, they need a way to feed themselves tomorrow and the next day and the day after. They do not just need clothing for today; they need a plan for the future. It does take a village to raise a child. A boy becomes a man. A man becomes a leader. We want the people of Malawi to have the means, skills, and knowledge to grow and flourish. Through the Operation Save Ministry, their world is changed. We continue to make a difference. You can be a part of the solution, part of the vision that will change a village forever! Come share our Vision!
Our Evangelism efforts toward adults, includes Crusades in the Villages and Distribution of:
- Care Packs, Bibles, Mosquito Nets, Blankets, Gospel Tracts
- Salvation dolls & Bracelets, In-Touch Messengers and Word of Faith Proclaimers
- Showing the Jesus Film
- Conducting Hut-to-Hut Visits, Medical and Eyeglass Clinics
- Visits to Hospitals & Prisons
Children’s Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
- We minister to the children of Malawi through use of the CEF Program as our model, distributing thousands of salvation bracelets and dolls.
- We provide shoes to African children which includes washing their little feet and telling them about Jesus.
- A multitude of children have now accepted Jesus into their hearts.