Millions of women living in Malawi do not have access to menstrual products. Not having the proper education and products affects their quality of life in many ways. It can cause health complications like urinary and genital infections. These women also face challenges at school and in the workplace. Girls are forced to stay home during their periods with many dropping out before graduating high school. Women are unable to go to work and are not paid for the days missed. They are isolated during this time due to the stigma in underdeveloped countries about menstruation. This takes a toll on their mental health and can cause depression and low self-esteem leaving them venerable to gender based abuse.
At Operation Save we are passionate about giving these women the tools they need to be successful in life. We hold meetings in the villages to teach women about their bodies and how to properly care for themselves during menstruation. We have trained our OS Women’s tailors to make reusable pads to hand out. These pads are washable and will last approximately two years.
In addition to making pads, we also teach women how to make soap. This provides them skills and opportunity to start a small business and provide for their family.
In addition to making pads, we also teach women how to make soap. This provides them skills and opportunity to start a small business and provide for their family.
Please consider donating to our OS Women's Ministry. A donation of $15 would provide a menstrual kit for a girl and help them continue their education, which is crucial for a successful life. Thank you for your interest in making a difference in the lives of these individuals!